Rangeet A learning app with a difference

Rangeet – a learning app with a difference

Born out of individual experiences and a purpose driven outlook, the imagery-driven, game-infused, play-acting and measurable Social Emotional and Ecological Knowledge (SEEK) curriculum around UN designated Sustainable Development Goals is making strides across a myriad spectrum of communities.

This is what you cannot miss while going through the narration of the origins of the product in the words of the founders – Simran Mulchandani and Karishma Menon who are Climatora  climate champions for this episode.

Simran Mulchandani (CEO and Product) “My wife, Renisha, and I raised our kids, Ishan and Samara, on a steady diet of Dr. Seuss. What we wanted most for our children was for them to be creative, crazy, courageous risk-takers. But this is often not possible. Our kids come from privilege. They can afford to take risks, fail, pick up, start again as long as they do it responsibly. This realization hit me in 2013 when I taught a class on English grammar to fourth graders in a government school in Mumbai. I was not quite prepared for how that day would affect me. My class was a cross-section of younger and older kids (aged 8 through 14); some differently abled children. And when I inquired why these kids were clubbed so randomly together I was told what I may not have wanted to hear – the girls (mainly) were being abused physically/mentally at home, so would lag behind in learning; some kids were sent to villages to help with farming – hence taken out of school to rejoin at a later date – deeply hurting their self-esteem. The kid who stole my heart was an intellectually challenged girl who had the most enthusiastic sparkle in her eyes, could not express herself at all, but you knew she had so much to say. All these abilities and ages and sexes and emotional states were mixed up in an overburdened, under resourced classroom – packaged, processed and shoved into a world that didn’t care what they wanted, dreamed about, cared or hoped for. And Climate Champion Simran Mulchandani Karishma Menon RanjeetI recall thinking on my way home – these kids are just defeated at birth. This is where the seed of the idea behind Rangeet began. It became non-negotiable for me to do something that would give every child the opportunity to be courageous: to try, to fail, to find their niche and awaken their inner superhero.”
Karishma Menon (Curriculum and Product) Albert Einstein said, “Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” “ I was that fish in school, I felt judged based on my inability to cope academically and in a classroom of friends I was lost and alone. To this day, I’m scarred with feelings of inadequacy.This is what my inequitable classroom left me with, and I co-founded Rangeet to fill children with hope, children like 13-year-old me. I often question my purpose on this planet? How can I make an impact? I just may have found it through the work we do at Rangeet. I see the world in pictures, colours, designs. How many other children out there are like me? How can I make them feel like they matter enough and belong in a classroom? How can I make them feel like their intelligence is just as beautiful as their classmates who excel at math? And finally, how do I enable teachers to rediscover the reason they became teachers in the first place: to know that one child breathed easier or felt like they belonged because of them.” Supported by experts within and outside India, the app has so far been adopted by 1800 facilitators and 30K learners, accounting for over 500K learning hours across the globe. With an aim to bolster their global outreach in multiple languages than the current ones that is in English, Hindi, Bengali and partially into Spanish, Tamil, Malayalam, Kannada, Marathi, the team is looking to raise funds. Geared to create an impact at social, economic, and environmental levels, the app has been highly rated and incorporated in the November 2022 Brookings report as an effective tool that meets the requirements of education today, which include real-time data collection, data visualisation and analysis, learning content delivery, and features such as a multi-OS platform, non-reliance on internet and electricity, as well as usability across geographies and contexts. You can find them on : Website: https://projectrangeet.com Playstore: https://bit.ly/3XPFRPc Appstore: https://apple.co/3OWWCUw