Himachal hopes to become the first state to use renewable energy

By 2025, Himachal hopes to become the first state to use renewable energy

According to Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu, the Himachal Pradesh administration aims to make the state the first Green Energy State by the end of 2025 by harnessing hydro, hydrogen, and solar energy and switching to eco-friendly products.

He gave instructions to all key departments, including HPSEBL, HIMURJA, Himachal Pradesh Power Corporation Limited (HPPCL), and the Department of Energy, during a meeting of senior energy department and HPSEBL personnel to take action in this direction and implement necessary policy adjustments.

Sukhu gave the HPPCL the order to hire a consultant as soon as possible and to complete the Detailed Project Report (DPR) within a month to begin work on the Solar projects.