Why its Useful?
Climate Watch provides valuable climate news information and insights on climate change to facilitate informed decision-making and action.
How it works?
Climate Watch uses data visualization, analytics, and interactive features to present comprehensive and up-to-date climate news information.
What you will get?
Users gain access to data on emissions trends, vulnerability assessments, and climate action plans to better understand and address climate-related challenges.
Policy on Integration of Green Hydrogen with Renewable Energy Sources
Government Working on Policy Mechanism to Integrate Green Hydrogen with Renewable Energy Sources In alignment with the government’s commitment to ramping up renewable energy …
Essar Group to invest Billions towards Decarbonisation and Sustainable Growth
Sustainable growth and Decarbonisation In a bold move towards sustainable growth and Decarbonisation, the diversified conglomerate Essar Group has announced plans to invest billions …
HSBC and Google Cloud Collaborate to Expand Climate Tech Ecosystem
Expansion of the Climate Tech Ecosystem HSBC has forged a groundbreaking partnership with Google Cloud to bolster climate mitigation and resilience efforts by extending …
Empowering Innovation: The Water Challenge for Water-Tech Solutions in India
The Water Challenge for Water-Tech Solutions in India In a concerted effort to foster innovation and address pressing environmental challenges, The Circle Founders Club …